Everyone can become a city maker and participate in creating a better, healthier, inclusive and sustainable environment.
Through process facilitation and research we connect citizens, administrations, and other disciplines in shaping masterplans, policy and climate plans.
To inspire and empower citizens, we proactively initiate campaigns and experiments.
To share experience, methods and tools, we engage in scientific research, teaching, writing, and publishing.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to collaborate.

The city challenges us to think about our shared future. Stadsform - an initiative of Endeavour, Pakhuis De Zwijger, Quares, and Dift - is a place in Antwerp for dialogue about the city of tomorrow. You are welcome to join us at one of our online or live events.
As our cities and spatial environments are dynamically transforming and expanding, we are confronted with urgent demographic, ecological and social challenges. Endeavour believes it is our responsibility as spatial professionals to provide the right frameworks to collectively face these challenges.
This requires us to radically rethink the way space is produced and organized. To reinvent or adapt the existing methods, processes and systems to design, plan, program and manage our environments. To develop a better understanding of how spatial environments are used, experienced and understood.
To include the knowledge of citizens and different professions, and to amplify voices which have remained silenced in the spatial debate. Endeavour works hard to help create the stage for an open dialogue on our collective future.
Caroline Thaler
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Caroline graduated in architecture and expanded her knowledge and horizon with a master’s degree in Human Settlements. She likes to work on a variety of themes, but tries to find possibilities, partnerships and methods within each of these themes to involve a broad spectrum of people and target groups. To her, a city is the sum of all these voices, that need to be amplified.
Sophie Leroy
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Sophie is urban and spatial planner with an additional training in interior architecture and furniture design. This ensures that she can work on a very wide range of projects within Endeavour. Sophie excels in her people-oriented approach and her feel for stories. Her expertise lies in qualitative research methods for behavioral research.
Jakob Vandevoorde
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Jakob is an urban and spatial planner. Thanks to his extensive experience and the variety of projects he has worked on, he can today vouch for Endeavour's methodical knowledge base. Jakob enjoys advising on projects and processes, giving his outside view to enable dialogue between the most diverse parties. His substantive expertise lies mainly in the use of public space and the link with play nature and movement.
Griet Juwet
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Griet is urban designer, planner and researcher. She completed a PhD on the spatial and social dimensions of a transition towards more sustainable energy systems in Flanders. It was based on a dialogue with diverse stakeholders on the scale of the neighbourhood, city and region, that aimed to understand how this transition can support spatial quality and justice. At Endeavour, she uses this experience to develop participatory action research and co-creation processes focused on climate and energy, citizen initiatives and just transition.
Jan Denoo
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Jan is an urbanist. He holds a master's degree in Social Agogical Sciences and Urban Studies. He develops models and guides processes for realising, collectivising and democratising contemporary social infrastructure and housing. Moreover, he evaluates and advises on social and spatial policies, strategies and instruments - from neighbourhood and city to regional scale. Finally, Jan is co-founder and curator of Stadsform, Endeavour's centre for dialogue on urban issues and Locay, our platform for cooperative development of social infrastructure.
Bert Timmermans
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Bert Timmermans is a historian and artist and holds a PhD in art science. The focus of his PhD research was on the interactions between elite networks and spatial and artistic transitions in seventeenth-century Antwerp. In search of a conceptual framework for his research, he came across social geography, sociology of art and assemblage theory. At Endeavour, his interests include urban transition, behavioural research, urban development and built heritage. His artistic research starts from the pioneers of media archaeology such as Warburg and Benjamin and experimental, modernist montage.
Jiska Gysels
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Jiska is an engineer-architect. She supervises projects at different scales, from buildings over village and city centres to regional visions. At every stage, she strives for purposeful and clear processes, together with involved stakeholders. She translates complex themes into recognisable concepts and tailors them to each target group. This is where her experience as a design researcher comes in handy. Her interests include economy and activity and what position they occupy in the built and lived environment.
Laura Meulemans
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Laura is trained as an architect and holds a master's degree in Human Settlements. Within Endeavour, she guides public clients with complex spatial issues at building and neighbourhood scale in formulating concrete project definitions and programmes. The main methods she applies to this are dialogue and perception at eye level. For this, she can draw on her experience as a social-spatial researcher. Besides supervising projects at Endeavour, she introduces architecture students to the concept of spatial qualities within the design studio 'Initiation Design' at the University of Antwerp.
Tim Devos
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Tim Devos is an engineer-architect, urban planner and holds a PhD in social geography. Starting as a researcher at 'Steunpunt Ruimte & Wonen', he completed his PhD at the Department of Social Geography of KU Leuven, focusing on participation and co-production in urban planning processes. He is co-founder and business manager of Endeavour and was project manager of several complex spatial projects over the past 5 years, such as the concept phase of Over de Ring for the East segment.
Jonas De Maeyer
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Jonas studied architecture and urban planning and likes to focus on the social aspects of the city. For instance, he is author of 'over de rand', a research project on the urban fringe. Jonas also started Heim, an initiative focusing on arrival architecture and housing of refugees and migrants. The focus on housing and meeting space for vulnerable target groups will remain a key focus when he joins Endeavour in 2017. Jonas coordinates acquisition within Endeavour and also focuses on research, innovation and organising series for Stadsform.
Klara Vanstraelen
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Klara is an engineer-architect. She has a keen interest in the multitude of social challenges and always tries to approach them from a people-oriented and social approach. She investigates public space using various methods, in particular 'counter-mapping', which reveals hidden knowledge of residents. Daring to dream, without losing touch with reality, is her most important asset.
Karolien Bogaerts
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Karolien is a graphic designer, photographer and art educator. Whimsical movements in space, strange human habits and sensory perceptions are sources of inspiration for typographic play and spontaneous photography. Within Endeavour, this leads to the depiction and clear visualisation of processes and research results. She uses her (art) educational background to develop creative methodologies. She likes to test these out on young and old, (differently) abled and professionals.
AG Stedelijk Onderwijs - AG Vespa - Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed – AGSL - Buurtcomité Den Dam 2060 – Cera - De Ideale Woning - Delta Atelier - Departement Kanselarij en Bestuur - Departement Mobiliteit & Openbare Werken - Departement Omgeving - District Borgerhout - Europese Unie - Gemeente Berlare - Gemeente Dilbeek - Gemeente Herne - Gemeente Liedekerke - Gemeente Puurs-Sint-Amands - Goedkope Woningen van St.-Joost cvba - Handelscomtié Dansaertsstraat - Houthalen-Helchteren - Intercommunale Leiedal - Kabinet van minister Pascal Smet, Brusselse regering - Koning Boudewijnstichting - Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Le Logement Molenbeekois - Métropole Européene de Lille - OCMW Sint-Niklaas – Ovam - Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen - Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Provincie West-Vlaanderen - Regionaal Landschap Schelde-Durme – SoGent - Stad Aalst - Stad Antwerpen - Stad Brussel - Stad Diest - Stad Genk - Stad Gent - Stad Hasselt - Stad Hoogstraten - Stad Kortrijk - Stad Leuven - Stad Mortsel - Stad Roeselare - Stad Turnhout - Stad Wervik - Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie - Team Vlaams Bouwmeester - Universiteit Antwerpen - Universiteit Gent - Van Roey Vastgoed - Vlaams Architectuurinstituut - Vlaams Stedenbeleid - Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimte en Planning - Vlaanderen Circulair - Vliegerplein - Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen - Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Zaandam